Application Data
Personal Data
Please provide valid contact number for us to contact you during the enrollment proccess.
Please provide valid e-mail addres to receive status updates of your enrollment.

Person to notify in case of emergency
Educational Background
Referred / Endorsed By
Scholarship Policy: Golden Success College Inc. has the sole discretion to extend, retain, approve and reject the scholarship assistance of the student based on his/her attitude and school performance. In the event of breach of scholarship contract or if the student decides to transfer, withdraw or stop, no documents or records shall be released unless he/she pays the entire amount incurred during his/her training and schooling. Further, the scholarship grant or support that Golden Success College Inc. may avail from any private or public organization will be credited in the school’s account.
Refund Policy: The refund shall only be given within five days from the start of payment of the tuition fee but there will be NO REFUND FOR THE RESERVATION, DEPOSIT AND MISCELLANEOUS FEE. The following conditions shall be applied;
Withdrawal Policy: As mandated under the Manual of Regulations for Private Schools (DepEd Order No. 88, series of 2010), Golden Success College Inc. shall follow and observe the following schedule of charges.
Disclaimer: By signing you had completely read and understand the above policy and you are waiving whatever right you may have in connection herewith against Golden Success College Inc. its administrators and personnel.
Parent or Guardian Signature
(Draw out in the box provided below)
Student Signature
(Draw out in the box provided below)